This will be my last post of the year, so I figured we should take a look at the three 2022 releases of the PC!
I was actually really excited at first when Zafirah was first revealed.
Then I saw the front legs...
Her color is nice, not much to complain about on that end, but mold wise... it's not great. As said previously, the front legs aren't like they should be, and her face reminds me of a frog. I'm normally a fan of Eberl's sculpts, but not this one. I will never own a model on this mold again, the legs bug me too much.
Constantia has to be my favorite model of the year. The sculpt is awesome, and the color is great too. She is the only model from 2022 that I will be keeping.
While Anamar's sculpt is lovely, the color just doesn't do it for me. I would like him more if the dapples were less stark. He came with Giorgio, who I have the same opinion on the color. Georg really shrunk down well! Super detailed, I'm excited to see what Breyer does with the mold in the future!
I will not be joining the PC for next year, due to how 2022 went.
Sorry if this was more of a negative post than usual, but it is truly what I feel about the club this year.
Stay tuned for your regular positive posts! Happy New Year everyone! :)