
December 31, 2022

Premier Club 2022 : A Year In Review

 This will be my last post of the year, so I figured we should take a look at the three 2022 releases of the PC!

I was actually really excited at first when Zafirah was first revealed. 

Then I saw the front legs...
Her color is nice, not much to complain about on that end, but mold wise... it's not great. As said previously, the front legs aren't like they should be, and her face reminds me of a frog. I'm normally a fan of Eberl's sculpts, but not this one. I will never own a model on this mold again, the legs bug me too much.

Constantia has to be my favorite model of the year. The sculpt is awesome, and the color is great too. She is the only model from 2022 that I will be keeping.

While Anamar's sculpt is lovely, the color just doesn't do it for me. I would like him more if the dapples were less stark. He came with Giorgio, who I have the same opinion on the color. Georg really shrunk down well! Super detailed, I'm excited to see what Breyer does with the mold in the future!

I will not be joining the PC for next year, due to how 2022 went.
Sorry if this was more of a negative post than usual, but it is truly what I feel about the club this year. 

Stay tuned for your regular positive posts! Happy New Year everyone! :)

Even More News!

Breyer, why do you have to make my job so hard? Give me a break!

Breyer is really pushing out the sneak peeks and reveals lately, I can barely keep up!

First off, six lucky 2022 Premier Club members will be drawn for a glossy Zafirah. Fingers crossed for everyone who wants to get her.

Here's an exciting reveal! The new Stablemates Club sculpt! Drats, not a jumper that we desperately need. Another rearing baroque type horse... don't we have enough of those already? Anyways- he seems cute, but what color will he be?

December 30, 2022

Some Exciting Sneak Peeks!

A lot of people were hoping for this:

That's right- it's a draft foal! Collectors have been begging Breyer for a new draft mare and foal for years, it's finally going to happen. I wonder what color they will be?

Although a little less exciting, we got another Breyerfest Stablemate silhouette!

They're using the Kit mold already? I can't wait to see this reveal! I bet he'll be popular.

Speaking of Stablemates, Breyer sent out a sneak peek of the new sculpt for the stablemate club! 

I really hope that it's an updated jumping horse! The old one has an unfortunate seam on his face...

The Collector Club Newsletter went out today, and included this image:

They didn't give us many clues this time- it's going to be very hard to identify what mold it is. It seems a little early for a club model, but Breyer can be strange sometimes. I guess we'll find out soon! :)

December 29, 2022

Breyerfest Stablemate Sneak Peek

Another silhouette!

I'm sure this one will be popular! The mold has quite the following. I wonder what color she will be? I guess the better question is, what color *hasn't* she been?

December 28, 2022

More News!

The rest of the Stablemate Club models have been revealed, excluding the new sculpt. Take a look!

Say hello to Brighton! I really like this gal. She could be a mini Marzipan! Even though most palominos aren't my thing, this release sure is. Maybe her being glossy helps sell her even more for me.

Like everyone guessed, the little Shetland Pony will be the Gambler's Choice for next year, named Virkie. I dislike the mold, so I don't need to fret over second hand prices, thankfully. I do feel like the black splash pinto could have been done a little better- the eyes are a little creepy on that guy.

Even with these super cute reveals, Breyer has failed to convince me to join the SM Club. Better luck next time!

We recently got a sneak peek of a future Premier Club 2023 model!

Eh, not totally sold on him/her. The mold might be nice (can't really tell, and the photo could be rotated), but I'm not a fan of the color at all from this photo. Premier Club 2023 will also not be in my future, unless Breyer really impresses me with another sneak peek.

There's only a few days left to join the clubs, so be sure to join while you still can! :)

The Breyerfest 2023 models have even started to get sneak peeks! 
They're most likely the event stablemates. We should start getting models revealed next week!

We are about to hit 1,000 views!  I have something special planned to celebrate. 💜
Share this blog with all of your model horse loving friends!

December 26, 2022

2023 Releases!!!

There's some exciting ones!

ATP Power (black Wyatt) is probably my favorite out of the RRs for next year. The blue roan classic draft is also at the top of the list. Will I get them? Probably not, since I try to stay away from regular runs- but there's always a chance. ;)

Thank you Adah, of Spotted Dreams Studio for providing these screenshots- you really saved the day! After a few days, the online catalog suddenly required a password that... I do not have lol.

Can you guys believe it's almost 2023 already? I can't!

December 25, 2022

The Christmas Morning Surprise:


He didn't sell out very quickly, so everyone who wanted one should have been able to get him. Some collectors love him, some *hate* him. I'm a fan of him, just not enough to purchase him. That might change once I see in-hand photos though. 

A lovely new braided mane is featured for the first time. Super cute, I can't wait to see this mold's future releases!

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄

December 17, 2022

The Amazing Amazigh Stallion!

 ... and Georgio

I'll address the elephant in the room: the dreaded dapples. Breyer experimented with them for sure! I'm not a fan of them, but it's nothing to make a big fuss about. His shading is *superb* though. If he had dapples like Croi and Wyatt, he'd have a much higher chance of staying with me.

The sculpt itself is pretty nice. Smaller than I expected, but not pony size. He stands really well, not tippy at all. Nothing stands out to me as a anatomical flaw, unlike Zafirah. His tail is interesting, I think it was sculpted to look fluffy? Quality wise- he is amazing. The definitely the best quality of all of the PC models for this year.

I seem to have gotten three COAs...

Giorgio was packaged in-between Anamar's legs, which was... a little strange. I would prefer them to be a little more separated, just incase the stablemate pokes through the packaging and damages the big guy. The shading isn't super nice, but is surprisingly pretty close to the promo photo. He has a shimmery/glittery finish.

I'm still on the fence about keeping him. The mold is super cute, and has the same proportions as the traditional version. There is one detail missing though, this Georg is a gelding!

Speaking of Georg, here's the optional release for the Stablemate Club. Say hello to Nero!

Oh boy, he's gorgeous. Second hand prices are going to be crazy for this guy! Breyer still hasn't tricked me into joining the club though. 

Stay tuned for a Premier Club 2022 review post!

December 15, 2022

Our Winter Web Special Is Finally Revealed!


Even though he's limited to 1,000 pieces, the second hand market is still going to be crazy for this guy. I'm not a huge fan of the mold, so I won't be entering. Good luck to those who do!

Enter for him here

Collectors will be contacted on 12/19 if they have been selected. Don't lose hope if you aren't contacted then, there will be a good chance of being picked off of the waitlist! :)

December 13, 2022

Another Stablemates Club Model Revealed

 The Missouri Fox Trotter, named Éclat!

Breyer is (thankfully) failing to tempt me into joining the SM Club. My wallet is grateful. 🤣

The other remaining molds to see revealed are the Shetland Pony and Cantering Warmblood. I wonder which one will be the Gambler's Choice?

December 09, 2022

Other Premier Club Artists Revealed!

 Looks like next year will be a good one!

I can't wait to see the other two models. Maybe we'll get a sneak peek before the end of the year?

December 08, 2022

New Animal Mold Web Special

 Elsa, the Normande cow!

Breyer upped the numbers to 1,000, and surprisingly lowered the price to $150!

This gal is really pretty, but I don't collect non-horse molds, so she's going to be a pass. Good luck to those who enter, she should be much more obtainable than other Web Specials. :)

Enter for her *here*

December 07, 2022

Anamar is Available to Purchase!

Yay! I can't wait to receive him along with his small counterpart (Georgio).

His purchase window is from today (12/7), to the 21st.

A Plethora of News!

 Well, I'm behind... again.  Here's some news!:

First off, we got some information on the Breyerfest 2023 tickets. The major (and most exciting) thing that changed, is that online attendees have access to a Special Run! 

Two online ticket types are available, Traditional Access, and Stablemate Access. The Traditional ticket type is the one to buy if you want to get a SR.

What's included with online tickets:

What's included with In-Person tickets:

Next, some of the Stablemates Club 2023 models have been revealed!:

I'm not super excited about the mare and foal, but the SCO is gorgeous! I really wish that he was traditional scale. He probably won't be added to my collection though, as I'm not a fan of his short leg.

The silhouettes have also been shown. No molds that I actively collect, thankfully. I can't wait to see the rest of the models revealed!

I don't normally post Stablemate Club news, so let me know if you'd like more of this! :)


  Welcome to my blog! This will be my first post, so I wanted to share a little about me :) I mainly collect Breyers and Stones. 1:9 and 1:...