Since we recently hit 500 views, I figured that we should get a couple updates for the blog!
A very minor change is my profile photo. I redid it to make it a little easier to see (and at least in my opinion, it's much better looking). I don't think it would be noticed unless it was pointed out though. 😅
If you haven't noticed, the background is different! I'm currently working on making a nicer one, but we have an in-between background in the meantime. Any suggestions are welcome! :)
Even though it isn't my doing, I thought that it would be fitting to put this here:
The Identifyyourbreyer site host transfer was a success! This brings along a new look to a few of the pages. It might take a little bit for everyone to get used to it, but I'm extremely grateful to the lovely hobbyists who are working so hard to get this site running smoothly.
Finally, congrats to Adah of Spotted Dreams Studio for reaching 1,000 views on her blog!