
January 10, 2023

Let's Celebrate 🥳

We just hit 1,000 views!

To celebrate, I'm hosting a giveaway!

One lucky winner will be able to choose their prize-

Choice 1: A model from the Best of Breyerfest 2022 stablemate set

Choice 2: Three Stablemate Smart Chic Olena bodies

Choice 3: A body quality Collecta


The giveaway starts as soon as this post is out, and ends January 24th.
Here's how you can enter! Each comment you make will get you a point (commenting twice on the same post will not give you two points). At the end of the entry period, I will count up everyone's points. Next, I will use a random name generator to pick the winner (the more points the better chance of getting selected).
I'll announce the winner on January 27th.

Please either be signed into your google/blogger account, or comment without signing in (but be sure to put your name in the comment so I can identify who is who)! :)

This is open to US entrants only, but don't worry international viewers- I'll be hosting a show that is open to everyone! That is for the blog's anniversary, which is in a couple months. There'll be more news on that soon.

This also happens to be my 100th post! Even more excitement!


  1. Congratulations! 🎊 Love this blog! Best source for model horse news. :)
    Good luck everyone!

  2. Congrats, Equiden! You rock, my friend!

  3. Congratulations! It’s always fun to find another blog to read.



  Welcome to my blog! This will be my first post, so I wanted to share a little about me :) I mainly collect Breyers and Stones. 1:9 and 1:...